I’ll be GLAD when….

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I hear people say this all the time. “I’ll be glad when this is over. or, I’ll be glad when I get that new job, or, I’ll be glad…what ever problem I am having is gone!” Ya we have all said it. I am done saying this! I am GLAD now and forever! Here is why.

This month I have been reading and meditating on James and 1 Peter. I have read these books many times before, but Gods word is alive and active, and as He does, He shows us new truths in new light as we pursue Him. This month it hit me like a ton of bricks to “consider it all joy when we suffer.” I have always heard teachings on this and read it in the light of suffering. Yes, we will have trials and suffering, blah blah blah…. BUT wait, have JOY and rejoice during it? That’s the part that we forget about. Too many of us focus on the hurt, the problem and the negative.

As believers we have the Spirit of Christ living in us! We are new, we are in union with the Holy Sprint and God. I don’t think the Spirit is ever not glad or negative, it’s Gods nature to be delighted, joyful, positive and pleased. So if He is in me and I am living for Him, I CAN be delighted, joyful, positive and pleased everyday. The old has been crucified with Jesus on the cross. It is a mind change.

So today, and as everyday is NEW, my new mind change starts today: I will be GLAD today and everyday! Not when. I will be glad because I am a daughter of God and He is delighted in me! Everyday! Take the JOY challenge with me, have a mind change today. Because Jesus is not a negative thinker, and He is in me, I am not a negative thinker either. Let joy abound!

“I’ll be glad when this is over,” is the stupidest thing any believer, really anyone can say! Our mind is a powerful thing, so lets change it to be JOYFUL ALWAYS! James 1:2 and 1 Peter 4: 12-13, can help in the hard times because we can trust that God is turning these problems into possibilities! We will grow in Him and be closer in the end IF we allow it and understand the possibilities!

I am going to remember the flowers and butterflies, I think they are always joyful and rejoice everyday as the ‘SON’ touches them! Be the flower, be the butterfly today! Everyday you are new.

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