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As many of you know I am a person of faith. I spend time meditating and reading, mostly in Gods word, but sometimes on other things too. This new series of work that I will be creating over the next few months are a result of such meditations. My painting process can be different depending on the inspiration, muse, or the subject. Sometimes this can create confusion with where to start. This is because I don’t start every one of my processes the same. Some begin with a simple sketch on the surface and grows from there. Others are 4-5 layers of paint and collage before the image begins to emerge. Others are a little more traditional starting with the under painting. There is always a plan, some times…

Proverbs 16:9 says “a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” I like to think this is what I do. Allow the Lord to direct my steps. In the painting process as well as other life choices. In my last blog post I shared with you the process of my latest piece. About 3 weeks after that experience I was asking the Lord what I should paint next, I clearly heard, PSALMS. Of course the first thing I did was say , Ya but I am not reading Psalms. And then went about my day. 5 days later, still no idea what to paint, I am on a zoom call with a group of artists when one of them stops me in mid sentence and asks me about the painting behind me.

This starts an entirely different conversation with in the group as 2 others chime in. The point is as artists we never know who or when a painting will touch and impact someone. This was so encouraging for me, yet at the same time very convicting. This painting is based from Psalm 91. Got it! “Paint the Psalms” OK so now I am listening.

This takes me back to my original thought, my process. This process was one of listening. As I listened I was directed to the colors and the materials. And this is interesting, because I used a pouring medium that I had gotten from a kit. I NEVER use pouring medium, I bought the kit for the colors of paint. But I heard use the medium with blues and white. The medium made the paint a very different viscosity. I also was told to paint with a spatula and rotate the canvas in every direction as I put down a new mark. So I take no credit! This will be the process I take for the next few months.

This was the next one, ‘Walking in His Presence’

Both pieces are 20×20 and are for sale, 600$ plus shipping.

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