There is Peace in the Storms

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This painting has history, just like we do. I started it about 3 years ago, and like some journeys, it was a long arduous one. I think many of you can relate to this. The title reflects the process, but there is so much more. Around 2 years ago I thought the work was done and I had it in a show. It showed well, but didn’t sell, so back into the studio it goes. As it sat there it really began to talk. I knew it wanted to be more, it could be more. I think we can feel this way about ourselves. We know we are made for more and we can be more…but how?

Here is what it used to look like.

So began the journey a few months ago. There are many things in my life that will contribute to a work of art as it is growing. For me, creating art is very therapeutic and spiritual. Many times my paintings will reflect life…my life, but also the struggles, joys and blessings that others face. As it happened I was studying James and 1 & 2 Peter for the summer. I like to read and meditate on scripture for a few months and really let it stick. There are many verses in these books that talk about having joy during trials. As I pressed into this idea and how I practice this, I was surprised how The Lord continued to give me peace; as there were and are quiet a few storms in my life right now. Because of the Peace of His presence, I am able to become more. I am able to rise above circumstances and not let them control me. His Spirit is in control of my spirit, when I surrender my soul! That is the key, at this point of surrender, WE ARE MORE!

Surrender. That is what happened in this painting. It surrendered to its creator. Some of the colors were muted, others were covered completely, new marks were added and more differences came into play. In the end a better work of art emerged and there was much rejoicing. This could be our story too, if we will just surrender to it.

2 Responses

  1. Jen Weaver

    This entry spoke, and speaks, deep into my soul; till tears swelled up. There is so much pain in our human stories… and so often that pain and the deep disappointment of hopes unrealized can try to snuff out the joy and peace… and yet our Christ, the Prince of Peace can bring peace into those broken stormy parts of our soul. How incredible that our Lord has the ability and the deepest desire to be that peace… that Prince of peace. Peace appreciated is rarely in the picturesque of imagined scenes but more often the greatest appreciation is in the tangled storminess of life. Thank you for sharing your gift that leads eyes to the Prince of Peace.

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